Volunteers planting Bellarine Yellow Gums

About us

The Friends of Ocean Grove Nature Reserve (FOGNR) is an active and dedicated group of volunteers who value the reserve for its diverse flora and fauna. We engage with Parks Victoria and other relevant organisations, working together to manage and protect the ecological values of the reserve. Our ongoing program of activities such as tree planting and talks from local experts are a great way to engage with the community to build appreciation and understanding of the natural values of this special place.

Our vision

The Ocean Grove Nature Reserve is a biodiverse natural environment that supports indigenous species of the Bellarine Peninsula. It is appreciated for its natural values and respected by visitors as a place of passive recreation.

Our purpose

To work as a strong and inclusive Friends Group that is respected for its role in preserving and enhancing the ecological values of the Ocean Grove Nature Reserve.

Our values

Collaborative: We consult with the experts
Integrity: We are honest, open and trusted
Stewardship: We care
Teamwork: We work together

Our goals

  1. Work to preserve and enhance biodiversity in the Ocean Grove Nature Reserve
  2. Foster community appreciation and engagement with the Ocean Grove Nature Reserve and develop the Friends network
  3. Advocate and liaise with Parks Victoria and relevant organisations on behalf of the Ocean Grove Nature Reserve

Our committee

The Friends of Ocean Grove Nature Reserve is an incorporated group with 12 committee members. Our current 2023-24 committee is:

President: Chris Pitfield
Vice President: Barry Lingham
Treasurer: Terry Fahey
Secretary: Beth Ross
Activities Coordinator: Beth Ross
Committee members: Jennifer Carr, Virginia Cooke, Andrea Dennett, Mark Harwood, Suzanne Hudgell, Lel Shipley, Peter Sullivan and Fiona Topolcsany