
Discovery Trail goes digital

Thanks to the efforts of the Friends Group, visitors to the OGNR can now access information about the Discovery Trail via a QR code. Trail information has been updated, and a QR code has been placed on each numbered post giving access to the full Discovery Trail brochure. It’s a convenient learning resource for anyone exploring this much loved area of the Ocean Grove Nature Reserve. Image: QR coded Discovery trail posts…
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October wildflowers 2023

The day of our wildflower walk was cool and overcast, preventing the sun orchids fromopening, however we were delighted to see many other wildflowers in bloom, particularlyin the burn area from 7 months earlier. Amazing displays included massed groups of ChocolateLilies, Grass Trigger plants, Bluebells, as well as Blue Grass-lilies and Yellow Rush-lilies.…
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Ecological burn – March 2023

Ecological burning is part of an on-going management plan where fire is effectivelyused to control dominating plants and promote habitat biodiversity. A prescribedburn of approx 15.5 hectares was undertaken in March 2023 in an area previously groomed by a forest mower. Within months a range of native plants and trees have sprouted from the blackened soil…
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Bringing back the bush

An enthusiastic group of Friends of OGNR recently spent the morning building sturdy tree guards and planting critically endangered Bellarine Yellow Gums. In the past decade there have been approximately 500 trees planted. Many have now outgrown their protective tree guards (and the threat of wallabies grazing them) and are thriving as maturing trees.…
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